![]() | MAGIC | ||||||||||||||
Before a spell can be cast, it needs to be designed first. This is a process that can be done by the character while gathering the Elements required to actually cast it. Target
Area: This is a flat (two-dimensional) plane, though it need not be horizontal. The spell will affect the area itself, not any targets intersected or touched by it (though secondary effects can—for example, if the area is set on fire, the fire may ignite flammables touched by the plane). For every hex to be affected, the spell needs 1 point of Air. All the hexes to be affected must be connected. The elements needed are of the kind that predominantly fills each hex. For example, if the spell is cast over a three-hex area, one of which is in the water and two are on the ground, the spell needs 2 Earth and 1 Water. Volume: A three-dimensional area, in which the spell affects all valid targets; alternatively, the spell can affect the area itself. For example, a spell that causes damage to humans in a 6-hex area, but in which there is only one person, will only wound that one person. On the other hand, a spell that causes a mist to rise in a 6-hex area will fill the entire area with mist. The volume is measured in 2-yard hexes, which are assumed to be 2 yards high as well. For a spell affecting multiple hexes, all the hexes must be connected. The elements needed are of the kind that predominantly fills each hex. For example, if the spell is cast into a two-hex volume filled mainly with air, the spell needs 6 Air. RangeA spell's maximum range in 2-yard hexes is equal to the square of the number of Air points spent on range. For example, spending 4 points of Air gives a spell a range of 16 hexes. If no Air is spent on giving the spell range, the caster must be in physical contact with the target at the time of casting. Effect
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Once the spell has been designed, it can be cast. To do this, the caster must gather Casting RollTargeting RollJust casting the spell is not always sufficient—the Casting Roll only indicates whether the spell works or not. In many cases, the spell must be cast onto a specific target, in which case a Targeting Roll needs to be made. Spells do not require a Targeting Roll under the following circumstances: